Blog Articles

  • And The Seas Were No More

    “…and the sea was no more.” -Revelation 21:1 People quote this a good deal and the question regularly comes up.…

  • The Seven Thunders

    The Book of Revelation, chapter ten, brings us one of the most frustrating passages in the history of Christendom. Frustrating…

  • Passion Week

    There Is No “Good Friday” DID YOU KNOW… There is always a Last Supper… every year? There are some weeks…

  • Context & Matthew 24

    There is a persistent argument concerning Jesus’ Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24. Again, it concerns the old saw that “this…

  • Yes, There Is A Rapture.

    The Matthew 25 passage, the Part 2 of the Olivet Discourse, is where Jesus describes some of the events to…

  • The Olivet Alternative

    Few subjects are more controversial than the subject of the rapture of the church, whether it exists and when. Among…

  • Dividing Israel

    Joel 3 does tell us God’s opinion concerning the dividing of His land, and it is not favorable. “For behold,…